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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate


This personal waterfall shows you all of MELONLORD's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Actually no all you would be doing is delaying the death of your kids instead of 16 it might be 18!

1 point

No actually it wouldn't really do anything because you would still have 2 years of experience.

2 points

How mad would parents be if they have to drive their kids to all their events. Kids don't want to drive to practice, dances, or even just school. It would also definitely make parents mad.

2 points

Why would you punish all the kids by bumping up the driving age when it is really just a few kids are getting in trouble. Only a few thousands kids are getting in accidents but there are a ton of kids.

2 points

Why would you punish all the kids by bumping up the driving age when it is really just a few kids are getting in trouble. Only a few thousands kids are getting in accidents but there are a ton of kids.

-2 points
1 point

The fact that people think raising the driving age is good is stupid. It's not because they're 16 that they are getting in accidents it's because they have a lack of experience.

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