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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

Lukeasaurus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lukeasaurus's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The mascot can be used to intimidate the other team and some Native Americans see mascots as a source of pride and respect. Mascots can also be used to represent their team

1 point

The mascot can be used to intimidate the other team rather than be racist

3 points

Or the mascots can intimidate the other team rather than be offensive

1 point

Mascots can be used to intimidate the other team so that's why there are possibly the battle feathers on the mascot.

1 point

Sometimes Native Americans can view mascots as a source of pride and respect

2 points

Sometimes schools don't realize that their mascot is racist

4 points

School mascots can be respectful and show pride. Example some Native American view mascots as a source of pride.

2 points

I think that mascots are ok because the team name can represent their team. Example: The Texas Longhorns name themselves that because bulls have horns, and bulls are a fierce animal/

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