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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

Kat234's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kat234's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

The girl in that story was crying because of the feathers on the cheerleader. That is a small part that can easily be changed. There is no need to change the mascot, because if you did that, more people would just be upset. What we need to do is change the tiny parts that are racist, not the parts that are fine.

1 point

People are working to change the pictures, and mascot images that can be offensive, but we don't need to get rid of an entire mascot, when we only need to change a few things.

3 points

I think even though people are offended by mascots, a lot of fans would be offended if we changed the mascots. They aren't trying to be offensive by being fans of a certain team, the are trying to honor them and show pride in that team.

1 point

If we changed our mascots, we would be closer to forgetting our past. Would you rather us honor them as mascots, or forget about them completely?

2 points

The majority of people think we should keep them, and the whole world shouldn't change just because a small group of people thinks something is wrong. The mascots aren't meant to be offensive anyway. People choose their mascots because they respect them or admire them.

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