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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

21tellisen's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Although your right that we have rights, but we can't make a team name whatever we want to be as, we have to be as careful as possible and making a controversial mascot or team name is not a good idea, like the Washington Redskins an NFL team that has a controversial mascot, CHRISTOPHER L. GASPER from the says that it needs to be changed along with many others.

1 point

I agree, and these stereotype mascots are not a good thing, you don't have to make a stereotype Indian, i'm not saying I know everything about what they did and how they earned things but most people in the school or around that area probably don't know what that means

1 point

I agree with this, but if you are the only male Indian in town your the only man in town who is going to have a first-hand opinion if he is the only man that isn't really fair

1 point

One story of an Indian man and his daughter say that when she saw the logo she began to cry and asked her dad if they could leave, so using these mascots has no progressive things in it.

1 point

I disagree with the money statement on your part, I think that if you changed teams everyone would want the new merchandise. A new team and colors wouldn't be that hard, it isn't like it is a high school team it is a whole state or city you have other things to lean back on.

1 point

I believe that using questionable mascots is not a good idea. It is a stereotype, not every native American man wears paint and feathers. For example, a high school in California uses an Arabic man as their mascot, this is very stereotypical. The name of the high school is the

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