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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

21ocampbell's Waterfall RSS

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3 points

While some people are ready, many other teens may not be ready to get behind the wheel. “All 50 states prohibit 16-year-olds from drinking alcohol, buying cigarettes, and purchasing handguns. Yet somehow most states are willing to put them in charge of a car, which could potentially be a deadly weapon.”

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2 points

Even though some teens think they are focused on the road, they might get distracted and possibly get into a car accident by texting, calling, or eating. “The probability that a motor vehicle crash involved a cellphone is 1 out of 4 people.”

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2 points

Even though many teens need to get around places, many are not mature yet and need a guardian or an adult to drive them around. “One 16-year-old's brain might be more developed than another 18-year-old's, just as a younger teen might be taller than an older one. But evidence is mounting that a 16-year-old's brain is generally far less developed than those of teens just a little older. New findings from brain researchers at the National Institutes of Health explain for the first time why efforts to protect the youngest drivers usually fail. The weak link: what's called ‘the executive branch’ of the teen brain — the part that weighs risks, makes judgments and controls impulsive behavior. Scientists at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Md., have found that this vital area develops through the teenage years and isn't fully mature until age 25. One 16-year-old's brain might be more developed than another 18-year-old's, just as a younger teen might be taller than an older one. But evidence is mounting that a 16-year-old's brain is generally far less developed than those of teens just a little older.”

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3 points

16-year old drivers have more accidents than any other age group. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety,” 16-year-old drivers have more accidents per highway mile than any other age group.”

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