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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

21abouruc's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

I agree with this. Even though most mascots aren't meant to be mean or offend anyone, some mascots use racial slurs, and this can be very offensive. There are many universities and teams that also agree with this. On the website below, it shows all the teams that have changed their mascot because it was somewhat offensive, and if people get offended by a mascot, it should be changed.

Supporting Evidence: Teams Change Mascots (
2 points

I understand this, but what about the offensive mascots that do not have anything to the background of Native cultures. For excample, there is a high school in Idaho, and their team name is the "Orofino Maniacs". That name can be extremely offensive and does not have to do with any cultural background.

1 point

Yes, one of the problems of changing the mascot is the amount of money it will take, but other universityes have done it, so why can't all of them? For example, in 2008. Arkansas State changed their mascot from the Indians to the Red Wolves. They did this because some people were getting offended by the Indian mascot, and this proves that universities are very capable of changing the mascot. So if this is very capable of doing, why don't we do it?

1 point

I understand that it comes from their background and that is shouldn't be offensive, but it is to some people, and if some people feel offended by it, why wouldn't we change it? “The opposing team called themselves the Warriors and the teenaged girl flipped around and did cartwheels for the entertainment of the fans in the stands. Mr. Cooper, a full-blooded American Indian, said his daughter became so offended, her eyes filled with tears and she asked if they could leave.” Why would we keep mascots such as these if some people get so offended by them?

3 points

I believe that offensive mascots should be changed and I am not the only one who believe so. According to NBC Washington,Obama is siding with Adidas on this issue, "What Adidas has done is it said to the 2,000-plus schools that still have Native American or Alaska Native mascots, is it said, 'You know what? We will work with you to redesign your entire sports brand," Obama said to applause. Not only Adidas, but both them and Barack Obama agrees that some of these mascots need to be changed.

Supporting Evidence: Obama Agrees With the Issue (

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