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RSS 21jhansen

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
3 points

That may be true 21avannuland, how do you explain that at an older age, people are more mature, experienced, and more responsible. This just shows that a 16-year-old would not be as mature as an 18-year-old and so the driving age should be increased

4 points

I agree with 21kdolleovet because teenagers develop senses, reasoning and other functions and maturity last so it would make sense that they aren’t mature enough to drive yet and the driving age should be increased.

Supporting Evidence: Aspeneducation (
4 points

I agree with 21bhackbart, within the two-year gap in between the ages 16 and 18, kids become more mature and receive more education. With their knowledge on both schooling and maturity, 18-year-olds would make better decisions. Teenagers develop senses, reasoning and other functions and maturity last so it would make sense that they aren’t mature enough to drive yet and the driving age should be increased. Therefore, I agree with 21bhackbart that the two-year gap would be beneficial to 16-year-olds before they begin driving

Supporting Evidence: Aspeneducation (
4 points

I believe that the driving age is at a too low of an age currently and that it should be changed to 18 years old instead because 16-year-olds are often bad drivers and get into crashes and 18-year-olds have more years of education and are more mature.

There are more decision-making skills that have been practiced in the two years from 16-18 that can help limit dangerous thrill seeking experiences. This just goes to show that 16-year-olds don't always make good decisions and should not be allowed on the roads until they are 18 where they can make better decisions for both their's and other people's protection. There are also many new issues that may cause distraction for teens while driving like "texting and driving". 18 year most likely wouldn't get distracted over these types of things because they have had more time to mature

Supporting Evidence: Vision Launch (
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