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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

Mwanta's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

They say that having these controversial mascots, give offense to the culture of the mascot. But I say that people have to dig more deep into the meaning of the mascots. Because the owner of the Redskins, Dan Snyder states, "After 81 years, the team name 'Redskins' continues to hold the memories and meaning of where we came from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come," Dan also states, “I hope such individuals also try to respect what the name means, not only for all of us in the extended Washington Redskins family, but among Native Americans too.” Therefore, people should dig deeper into the meaning of these mascots, and keep them around.

Supporting Evidence: Redskins Controversial Mascot (
1 point

By just having the mascots represent a team, doesn't mean it comes with horrible statements about their culture. Remembering these mascots, such as the Black Hawk, is important in these days. Making up random mascots will show no meaning whatsoever, and just show how much we forgot our past. Digging deep into the meaning of these mascots shows what America truly is.

2 points

Well, the Native Americans is apart of our history as well as their own. Native Americans are apart of our country, and I say we should keep it that way.

2 points

I totally agree. Forgetting the history of our country is not an option. It is important to know where we came from. Using these Native American mascots should be an honor for everyone, and not just to offend Native Americans. They represent our country and our history very well, for anyone from any race. As we grow into a very modern day, we should never forget the past.

3 points

They say everyone thinks that tribal mascots are racist. But I say that some people actually can agree with other sides, where people say that the mascots should stay. Because according to a vote in the student body in the San Diego state college about keeping their Aztec mascot, 95% of the student body supported the statement for keeping their mascot. The student that created the statement saying that their Aztec mascot should stay is actually an Aztec. All the students that voted for keeping their mascot said that they wanted to keep what represented their college. Therefore, mascots that could be controversial should stay.

Supporting Evidence: Mascot Opposition Article (
2 points

If you are in the Native American's shoes, you will realize that they look up to people. Such as the leader of their tribes, like the Chiefs. When the Chiefs are a mascot, the Native Americans look up to them in a whole different way. And think of it as an honor. Therefore, mascots should stay the way they are.

2 points

They say that tribal mascots are offensive to Native Americans. But I say that some people don't know how hurt the Native Americans will be if you take away their mascots. Because all Native Americans have somebody to look up to. For example, the Chief of their tribe. “They've always seen the Chief as a positive symbol.” Having their Chief as a mascot is an honor for them. And when it is taken away, some people might not notice, but they can be left feeling sad and disgraceful. Therefore, tribal mascots should stay, and not be changed.

Supporting Evidence: Opposition Mascot Article (

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