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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

Elaundrie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Elaundrie's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But 16 year olds are more responsible because 18 year olds start underage drinking so it is worse to start later than earlier.

1 point

But, According to A.J. Rox raising the driving age is not only just a bad idea, it does absolutely nothing to help except for delay death for only a short time. It will cause more problems than it will help.

1 point

But most teenagers start underage drinking at the age 18 so they still have the same accident rate.

1 point

But even at the age 18 the person will still be inexperienced at driving so it does not really change anything.

1 point

But at the age 16 kids are getting more jobs and would not be able to drive, so it would be very hard too get place to place when you can't drive yet at 16.

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