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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

20skrick's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20skrick's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This only happens because the 16 year old does not pay as much attention on the road and is less mature than an 18 year old.

1 point

We should change the driving age to 18 because 16 year old's will not pay as much attention in a drivers ed class or on the road a 18 year old will. 16 year olds are also more prone to peer pressure and will take a dare to do something stupid while in the car. An 18 year old will not be as prone.

1 point

But buses do not drive around all day. Many cars will drive around all day.

2 points

No, because those kids at 12 and 13 aren't as experienced as at 18.

1 point

So the government can issue licences to responsible drivers and normally, at 18, kids aren't as influenced as they are at 16 by other kids.

1 point

So the country can put more police out on the streets to watch for underage and drunk drivers.

2 points

So an 18 year old can drive with parents and parents can help out or they can drive with a certified driving teacher.

3 points

Driving lessons can start earlier at 15 and driving simulators can be made

2 points

If 18 year old's will still be inexperienced, then they can make driving simulators or lessons can still start at 15 and end at 18

3 points

The driving age should be changed to 18 because an 18 year old's mind is much more mature than a 16 year old's mind. A report from New Jersey said that the amount of crash related deaths among 16 and 17 year olds is 18 for every 100,000, and 24 for every 100,000 in Connecticut. When a graduated license law was approved in New Jersey, the death rate in crashes of 17 year olds dropped 33 percent. Once students have graduated from high school they have learned much more and are more experienced than when they were halfway through high school. They know how to make better decisions. Therefore, the driving age should change to 18.

Supporting Evidence: Chicago Tribune (

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