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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

20rroberts's Waterfall RSS

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4 points

reason The two years do not make a difference

Studies also show that risky behavior affects 16-17 year old males just as much as it does males in their early 20's.

Sixteen-year-old drivers crash mostly because of inexperience. If the driving age is raised then 18 year olds will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 year olds will increase, while the death of 16-year-old death rate; will increase. We are not helping the cause by raising the driving age we are just delaying the time they will die.

source Driving age should not be raised

4 points

reason: Will be a pain to parents if you still have to take your kids everywhere

This could get in the way of the most important schooling of their lives. Also most kids start working when they about 16, so how are they supposed to get to work? I know in winter, in Utah, biking isn't a very smart option

source: Driving age should not be raised

4 points

reason:Will be a pain to parents if you still have to take your kids everywhere

If we raise the driving age who is going to take the kids to dates, dances, or other school events? The majority of parents have to take their kids to other activities; they don't have time to chauffeur their kids around. If 16-17 year olds don't go on dates until they are 18, they will start to date a lot when they are college.

source: Driving age should not be raised

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