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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

20rrappert's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Why would you have to change it to 18 it would just cause more problems on the road because 18 year old's start drinking at that age so it would cause more drunk driving and to cause more crashes.

2 points

LIZARD but if you change it to 18 who will take the kids to all of their sports or social clubs? But if you raise the driving rate normally 18 year old's start drinking at that age so that will increase the crash's for 18 year old's.

3 points

They say that the age of driving should be raised to 18 but I think it shouldn't because, sixteen-year-old drivers crash mostly because of inexperience. If the driving age is raised then 18 year olds will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 year olds will increase, while the death of 16-year-old death rate; will increase. So it would kinda be a win win but 16 year olds can be more trusted because studies show that most adults start drinking heavily at age 18 or so. 16 are the ones that who have lived figured out that driving is not a game; it is a serious matter. SOURCE: Opposed - Driving Age

3 points

Donanning to driving when you are 18 that does not help any problems that the others may say it does. And finally if we raise the driving age who is going to take the kids to dates, dances, or others school? So the majority of parents are to take their kids to other activities; they don't have time to bring others around and drop them off while they should be dropping their kids off to their events. If 16-17 year old's don't go on dates until they are 18, they will start to date a lot when they are in college. This could get in the way of the most important thing school which educates their life, but if they don’t get the schooling the kids will probably drop their grades and then they will have not the best education in their life. Also most kids start working when they are about 16, so how are they supposed to get to work? Therefore we shouldn't have to change the driving age to 18. SOURCE: Opposed - Driving Age

3 points

They say that the age of driving should be raised to 18 but I think it shouldn't because, sixteen-year-old drivers crash mostly because of inexperience. If the driving age is raised to 18 year old's but they will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 year old's will increase, while the death of 16-year-old death rate; will increase. So it would kinda be a win win but 16 year old's can be more trusted because studies show that most adults start drinking heavily at age 18 or so. 16 are the ones that who have lived figured out that driving is not a game; it is a serious matter.

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