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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

20hgruper's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 20hgruper's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I really cant believe you just said that! That is exactly what Native Americans are called when they are mascots

1 point

When a mascot represents a team it is comparing them to a slug(University of California Santa Cruz) and all those statements about them! Remembering racist mascots is terrible "these days"! No teams make up mascots, so what does that have to do with the racist mascots? If we forgot our past, then we wouldn't have learned about them in social studies since first grade! "Digging deep" will show how terrible the Native American mascots really are.

1 point

Native American mascots should never have been allowed in sports because it shows disrespect, takes away their honor, and ruins the meaning of Native American culture! Teams are taking the time to RUIN old traditions! People who say that mascots offend people and ruin their culture, and that it is disrespectful are right! If we really honored their culture, we would take away all Native American mascots!

1 point

Andrea Pierce is right, a Native American mascot is nothing except legal racism

1 point

They do not say it but comparing them to animals that ARE is a terrible thing to do, what would you do if you were being compared to a chicken or a pig? A slug or even a gopher.

1 point

Native Americans will not be hurt if we take them away, they will be happy that we aren't comparing them to animals, the animals that most people laugh at and think are ugly or even stupid. The Chief as a mascot is downgrading him to a boar or even a chicken(University of Arkansas and University of South Carolina). It leave all Native Americans feeling happy and proud that they are not being compared to a chicken and a pig.

1 point

It's terrible to compare people to animals like a banana slug, a boar, and a chicken. Would anyone want to be compared to a slug? I think not. The Aberdeen mascot is a black crested macaque and the state of that animal is disgusting, is it really kind to compare someone to that animal?

Supporting Evidence: Aberdeen-Mascot (
1 point

They are not showing pride to any Native Americans at all, they are comparing them to animals like a boar, a banana slug, and even a chicken(University of Arkansas, University of California Santa Cruz, and University of South Carolina).

0 points

No one would ever think that we are trying to "hide the past". If we did take away the offensive mascots, we would still be learning about the real reasons the headdresses and spiritual rituals were there and what they represent.

3 points

I believe that sports teams shouldn't use Native Americans as mascots for a few reasons. When using a human as a mascot, you're just comparing them to animals such as a slug, a muddy boar, and even a chicken(University of California Santa Cruz, University of Arkansas, and The University of South Carolina). Another reason is that the mascot uniforms, which are used in rituals done by Native Americans in the past and even today, such as a headdress are being treated disrespectfully. A headdress' feathers, which represent the lives that were taken, are ALL earned in battle.

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