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Mrs. Hagmann's Ace Debate

20ehall's Waterfall RSS

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2 points

I disagree with Laura because, sixteen-year-old drivers crash mostly because of inexperience. If the driving age is raised then 18 year olds will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 year olds will increase, while the death of 16-year-old death rate; will increase.

3 points

I agree with Cameron because, sixteen-year-old drivers crash mostly because of inexperience. If the driving age is raised. Then 18 year olds will also crash because of inexperience. This means that the death rate of 18 will increase, while the death of 16-year-old death rate; will increase. In fact, studies show that most adults start drinking heavily at age 18 or so. That means more drunk driving which would equal a ton more homicides/suicides.

3 points

They say that kids should not drive at the age of 16, but I think that we should keep the same age.

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